Experimental 3D Audio Blog...
Make sure to wear headphones to experience the 3D effect!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Skateboarding at Memorial Park

This is audio of people of all ages and skill levels, skateboarding at the Memorial Park skate park.


Skate Park Info

View Map


10upDeluxe said...

Hello !

I'm a little non-commercial artist who create experimental electronic music... I'm actually working on binaural 3D effects, I would like to know if you authorize me too use some parts of your recordings in my tracks, mentionning and linking to your blog if you want.

I really like your soundscape and want to produce something really spatialized with your records in background or in introduction...

You can learn more about me on my website: www.s-cape.biz

Please contact me at s-cape@s-cape.biz !

Thank you and congrats for your work :)


Richard G. said...

I am glad you like the recordings.
Thanks for asking permission to use them.
yes. feel free to use them. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Richard, love your blog, I had a request...may I give it to you in an email?

Thanks a lot

Richard G. said...

yes. please do. ricgreen1@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

maybe you would like my music let me know www.speakup-ent.com

XerxesZ said...

Skateboarding in Binaural... Wow!

Thank You.

Finally sombody else has done this. Here is info and link to similar project from 2001. Thank You from Binaural Friend.

From Web-Site: A 3 minute binaural recording about three megs in size. Download time should be about 10 minutes on a 56k modem. Be sure to listen with headphones.

This is a very realistic binaural audio rendering of the Santa Barbara Skateboard Park, "Skater's Point", on the beach in California. This was recorded late morning/early afternoon in the fall of 2001. As we were recording the skateboards in surround, a street preacher, dressed in a white robe, appeared and began to do his thing for the Skaters at hand.

Download the following sound experiences in MP3 format. SkaterPreacher.MP3


I had the opportunity to design and build a skatepark in the late 1970's.

Link: http://alphasensory.com/Skatetown/index.html

My website and portfolio and contact info can be found here: http://alphasensory.com/Portfolio.html

Binaural Sound is the best!


Guillermo Pérez said...

Great job. Thank you!